Sunday, 27 March 2011

Artemis Fowl

Artemis Fowl is a brilliant book of sarcastic humour and wit. What's not to like?
The main character is, obviously, Artemis Fowl. Unusually for most books, he is actually the antagonist of the story, but it is written so that although he is a criminal, he is still a likeable character.
Through the course of this book, Artemis is 12, and a child prodigy. He is a criminal genius, and although he already has millions of pounds, he wants to reinstate the Fowl's status as one of the top richest families, after his father's ship crashed, taking himself, and the project in which he had invested millions, with it.
Artemis plans to get money by 'acquiring' it off the 'People'. These are a race of several different species of fairy, who are armed and dangerous. The main protagonist, Captain Holly Short, is an elf. She is also an officer of the Lower Elements Police Reconnaissance Squad, or LEPrecon. The book follows Artemis's attempts at getting the People's ransom fund, by kidnapping Holly. Threatening the People's exposure to the humn race, or 'mud men', Artemis will do whatever it takes to separate the gold from them. The LEP have to act fast. Artemis knows every rule their race has. They just have to stop playing by the rules...
   I would recommend this book to anyone, especially those who like a laugh. This is one of my all-time favourite books. I hope you enjoy it too!    

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